Monday, March 14, 2011

Penn kids

Here's a phone conversation I had this morning:

*ring, ring*
ME (hero): Hello, Capogiro Gelato, how can I help you?
ENTITLED IDIOT (villain): Hey, do you guys have any prosciutto panini today?
M: Yep, we have a bunch.
EI: Can you like... put one on the grill and I'll come pick it up in like 5 or 15 minutes?
M: Sorry, sir, but it is store policy that we don't take phone orders.
[10 second pause]
M: Hello?
EI: So can you do it?

I deal with people like this all day.

Apparently a frequent customer talked to Jen a real long time on Sunday about Capo possibly using some ap that allows you to order food/drink without ever having to communicate with a real human.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

31 MAR 2010

Just had a really crazy dream. In the first part, I was playing in some sealed Legend of the Five Rings tournament and lost after my first turn when my opponent flipped an event whose text was "Target opponent must write two 10,00 word poems about a Holding he has in play before this timer runs out." Then a timer (on the card itself) started. All I had in play was an Iron Works and all I had to write with was a ballpoint pen and a napkin which was not working. The timer ran out and my opponent began laughing maniacally and I had a HUGE temper tantrum. I was SO mad.

In the second part, I was part of a crew closing down (for a good) an ice cream/hamburger store. We were dismantling all the coolers and stuff and we found a TON of still-good food and ice cream. Then we found a HUGE stack of money and we decided to go see a movie in New York City! We took a weird mini-submarine to get there that went super fast! I fell down in the lobby and tore a huge hole in the seat of my pants. I asked a coworker if he knew where there was an Urban Outfitters near by and he said he charges big bucks for an urban Outfitter's finders fee so I just rolled with having a huge hole in my pants. The bathrooms in the theatre were really gross. None of the toilets or urinals flushed. All of their bases just slanted at a downward angle into a flowing river of sewage, which you could see through the toilet holes. The floors were covered in putrid water, too.

Anyway, we bought tickets for the movie, which was G.I. JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA. The actual cinematheque was really amazing; it had a giant screen and there was a piano and a chandelier in a little lit-up area right in front of the stage. We sat down a few seconds after the movie started, and whatever was happening on-screen was seemingly amazing. There was a strange guy with what appeared to be a video camera recording right in the middle of the aisle; weirded still was the fact that he was recording the audience, not the film, and there were speakers emitting a low whine on the sides of the room. After about five minutes of the movie, the projector stopped and the lights came up to reveal that the camera man was Cobra Commander, as played by Joseph Gordon Leavitt in the G.I. JOE film itself. He said we were lucky to be the first live test subjects of his new experiment. A group of kids to our right stood up and started freaking out but then suddenly just froze in place. Their heads started getting bigger and suddenly their flesh fell off to reveal robot heads. They were turning into the Decepticon cassettes who went into the big boom box guy from the Transformers. When all their human bodies fell apart and they emerged fully robotic, they each pressed play on a little boombox at their feet and aimed them at us! We ran out of the movie house and they started chasing us.

That's when I woke up.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

30 MAR 2010

BEST WEEKEND EVER! Well, best weekend in quite some time, at least, sans doute. SO much activity! SO much fun!

On Friday, I worked during the day and then Rita and Ben came into town for the night. They got here a little late, but we still managed to cram in a lot of fun and chatting and beers. Ben bought a case of PBR from the beer distributor on 48th and I bought a bottle of wine from work. Clash of the titans! Really fun!

I had to get up kind of early on SAT to work, but the day went by pretty quickly due to inclement weather. After work, Carrie and I made dinner and had some drinks while getting ready to go to Emily's DJ night at Elena's on Baltimore. Astra stopped by and hung out for a few minutes before well all left together. It was SO STINKIN' COLD on our walk over. Not fun. What was fun, however, was the atmosphere once we got there. It was kind of slow to pick up, but there were eventually really awesome parties both upstairs and down. The bar was mega cheap and we all danced like fools. Yeah! I talked to a bunch of folks I don't see all too often, including Brian and Marty, who I informed that I had stolen their coasters when they last hosted a fete. At one point, I fell hard against a wall and I think I poked my back with a nail or something, because I had a puncture wound the following day. No biggie!

I got to have off on SUN and we went to Emily's birthday brunch. It was the most fun I've had on a SUN in ages! First we biked to the South Philly Tap Room and had the aforementioned brunch. It was great eats! Carrie and I split a beet salad and a breakfast burger, which contained a meat patty, an egg, Hollandaise sauce, bacon, and cheese. YOWZA! I also had a really tasty Bloody Mary. We got to meet some of Emily and Ryan's buddies who all seemed very nice. A few of us headed to Emily's after that and man, we cut loose! We had snacks, drank drinks, and horsed around. Later on in the evening, Chris showed up too and we ate pizza and watched a bunch of videos by the Police, Tom Petty and Zack Galifinakis. Then we finally watched WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER! Carrie and I wanted to get home if at all possible but when we finally decided to roll out, it was pouring like so many cats and dogs so we just crashed there.

MON was basically a non-day. We didn't get home until a little before noon and we had a filthy bike ride back. We got cleaned up and Carrie went to work while I stayed at home and did a very lazy amount of cleaning and played a draft. I made a grocery run to Trader Joe's and then made burritos. We watched the end of PONYO, which we started last week, and most of the end of A SERIOUS MAN, which I grew to enjoy more in it's third act.

Today was TUE and I got up really early to work. The work day was fine but LONG. It was intermittently busy and dead, which made for a rollercoaster of ennui. I just got home not too long ago and I have just been relaxing so far. I am about to make some stir fry dinner and I think we are going to rent something on DVD after Carrie gets home from her swimming lesson at the Y. It will be another low key night, but that's a-okay by me! I need it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

24 MAR 2010

It's my day off! All right! It has been cool so far. I was REALLY tired when I woke up this morning but a realtor was stopping by to snap some shots of our place for a listing and I had to clean everything up. It wasn't terribly messy, there was just a lot of stuff laying about and some dishes. I am kind of miffed because we may have to move out at the end of April if the house does sell. Who knows!

After the clean-up, I went to the Y and had a really great workout. I have been listening to the LCD Soundsystem 45:33 or whatever it is and it almost perfectly syncs up with my workout. It wasn't too busy and everyone was in a great mood! So nice. Thanks, spring!

After the gym, I decided to stop by Second Mile to see if I could find anything and I sure did! I bought three cool new shirts for summer and one pair of slacks destined to be turned into the first shorts of the summer.

Right now I am just relaxing at home before I head to Local 44 for Happy Hour with Carrie and Emily. I feel somewhat guilty going to Happy Hour considering that I didn't even work today but I don't even think it really matters. We might go to Whole Foods later as we have almost no food right now but that will depend on beers consumed and Carrie's sleepiness levels. Otherwise I can just go tomorrow. It will be a lovely day for a ride!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

23 MAR 2010

Hey everybody!

I am relaxing at home right now, drinking some nice Torreo coffee. This past weekend was absolutely crazy at work. It was sunny and around 70 all weekend and we just got utterly destroyed. I closed last night with Astra and it was uneventful, as it was cool and really rainy all day. I'm in again tonight so I am building up a nice energy store. I am going to start making a carrot ginger and squash soup now so Carrie and I can both have a healthy dinner.

St. Patrick's Day ended up being a blast! We couldn't get into Mad mex (fortunately) so we went to La Terasse and met up with Emily, Maura, Colleen, and Danny for beers. It was fun and cheap! They actually had some decent beers on tap. Carrie and Colleen convinced everyone that doing an Irish Car Bomb was a great idea, so we did. That led to us heading to Local 44 for a beer, followed by a stopover at home to make some beet treats AKA selkie chow and some Lionsheads pilsners. Finally, we met up with a bunch of folks at Dock Street and had a pitcher of Bohemian Pilsner. A very fun night! We spoke in hushed tones of wee Jamie and the selkies.

The weekend was low key but fun. We went to a house party at the GATS' house on SAT night and Carrie and I both ate way too much meat, including some utterly delectable pork ribs. On SUN, we went to SHUTTER ISLAND, which was OK but rather hackneyed, and then we stopped in at the very end of an open mic at Copabanana where there were approximately eight people in the audience lounging around in the basement. It felt like walking in on someone you don't know's party in their parents' basement.

I really want to catch/watch a few more movies this week. I am stoked to watch A PROPHET and we have PONYO coming tomorrow on Netflix. Carrie and I also need to finish A SERIOUS MAN, which I am enjoying a lot. I also need to take more notes on the beers that I want to talk about, because I keep forgetting what I want to say.

Santa is being a true cutebox right now. I wish he would let me use him as a pillow more often. I believe that this spring air is getting his humours all riled up.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

17 MAR 2010

Good morning!

It actually still is slightly morning! Wow, I woke up pretty early. Aaron gave me a call around 9ish to let me know that some dudes were coming in to our place to take a bunch of junk out of the basement. Well, they had to Sawzall a giant oil tank in half and that was loud. Now we have a bunch of dust and stuff all over our floor, too. Dang. not the way that I wanted to start the day. Ah well, I am still feeling posi! It's just glorious out and the air feels oh so nice. I am going to head to the Y in a bit to pump some iron and then I might do a draft online. Carrie, Emily and I are going to happy hour (Carrie wants to go to mad Mex for Shamaritas [shamrock margaritas]) and then I am going to make an extremely healthy dinner involving either beets or squash and tons of other fresh veg. YES! I miss cooking every night.

Somehow I made a round trip to Whole Foods yesterday in around an hour. Crazy! I sure was going quick, especially on the way there! I kind of miss having a long bike ride that I am obligated to do, as it is indeed a nice workout. I stocked up on tons of fresh produce that I cannot wait to consume. Work last night was a bit frustrating, as we were catching up with cleaning stuff until even after we closed, as we were down a midday person yesterday. It's OK, I am really relishing this day off having had two consecutive harsh closes.

Some beers I have had recently:

VICTORY STORM KING: This is one of the few Victory beers that I had yet to try and I regret waiting to try it as it's extremely delicious. Unlike some heavy stouts, it has zero harsh metallic aftertaste, and instead offers a substantial amount of molasses flavor backed up by just the perfect amount of bitterness and a faintly sweet aftertaste. This is not a beer that you'd want to drink more than one of at a time, but it is definitely a great way to cap the night.

DOGFISH HEAD 60 MINUTE IPA: A very even and clean IPA, well balanced and not overly bitter. Nice hinds of orange coupled with milder floral notes. While I would not describe it as mindblowing, 60 Minute is a well crafted, totally drinkable treat.

OSKAR BLUES GORDON: This has quickly become one of my favorite beers, a pungent and sticky wallop of a beer and goes down extremely easy. While Gordon has a goodly amount of sweetness, it is coupled with subtleties of both smooth malt and perfectly bitter hops. The smell is deceptively syrup but excellent. I LOVE GORDON!

VICTORY YAKIMA TWILIGHT: Carrie and I got a case of this because the distributor didn't have Nugget Nectar and this seemed like ti would be close, and I think that unfortunately tainted my opinion of this ale. Unlike Nugget Nectar, Twilight focuses almost exclusively on the malt side of this beer and the result is a too-sweet brew that is difficult to enjoy for too long. While it is nice to have some subtle hopiness, the flavor seems to get washed out by the sugariness of the whole thing.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

16 MAR 2010

Lazy day! I closed the store last night and didn't get to bed until REALLY late. It was a pretty crummy close due to a constant stream of people from about 7PM on. Barf. This morning I actually got up well before noon and took Carrie's bike in to Firehouse for a tune-up. It sounds like she will be getting a lot of work done, including all new tires and break cables. That will be nice! I did a couple of drafts on MTGO and got housed twice in a row with seemed like really solid decks. Ah well, bad luck. I am going to quick hit up Whole Foods before work and refill our sadly empty refrigerator. I need some serious veg!

I had me a couple of beers last night:

STONE BREWING COMPANY LEVITATION ALE: I have never been too into any of Stone's stuff and this was no exception. All of their beers have this strange sort of metallic mouthfeel to me. Though this is supposed to be a milder brew it still generally feels flat, lacking in character.

DOGFISH HEAD APRIHOP: Aprihop feels like it is trying really hard to be two different kinds of beers and fails on both counts. The fruity, lighter side of the beer seems at odds with the idea of it being a pale ale, and while the wisp of apricot flavor does add a nice tanginess, it robs the beer of any other defining characteristics.

Off to the store!